Customizable Portable Pen Set : Create a portable pen set to suit your needs. Office remembers your pens in Excel on all Windows devices.Digital Pen : Write or sketch ideas with the new style pen.New ink effects : Express your ideas using metallic pens and ink effects like rainbow, galaxy, lava, ocean, gold, silver….

Insert 3D models to see all angles: Use 3D to increase visual impact and creativity on workbooks. Easily insert 3D model, then you can rotate it 360 degrees.Convert SVG icons to shapes: Turn all SVG images and icons into Office shapes so you can change the color, size, and texture.Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) : Make documents, spreadsheets, presentations visually appealing by inserting scalable vector graphics (SVG).Funnel Graph: A funnel graph shows multi-stage values in a process. For example, you can use a funnel chart to show sales prospects at each stage in a sales funnel. The values usually decrease gradually, causing the histogram bars to merge into a channel.
Map charts : You can create cartographic charts to compare values and show categories across geographies. Use it when you have geographic areas in your data, such as country/region, state, county, zip code, etc.